On site for you in Germany

With our Osnabrück headquarters and four other locations in Kletzin, Leipzig, Landshut and Lüneburg, we are on site for you in five places across Germany.  The hubs form the backbone of our high-performance tyre logistics and give you the necessary delivery and supply security. Here our customers will find competent product advice and contact partners in the area.


Leipzig sales office
Phone: 0049341 - 39299-0
Knautnaundorfer Str. 207

Kletzin branch
Phone: 00493998 - 316-0
Dorfstraße 93

Lüneburg sales office
Phone: 00494131 - 29895-0
Pulverweg 1 A

Office Landshut
Phone: 00498703-938-0
Landshuter Straße 57

Head Office Osnabrück
Phone: 0049541 - 121630


Niederlassung Ormalingen
Phone: +41 61 981 68 90
Ribistraße 26
CH-4466 Ormalingen


Hörsching branch
Phone: +43 7221 724110
Margaritenstraße 3
4063 Hörsching

Head Office Osnabrück

Dieselstr. 14
49076 Osnabrück, Germany
Tel.: +49 541 12163-0
Fax: +49 541 12163-944

Contact partner Contact

Kletzin branch

Dorfstraße 93
 17111 Kletzin, Germany
 Tel.: +49 3998- 316-0

Contact personContact

Landshut branch

Landshuter Straße 57
84051 Altheim, Germany
Tel.: +49 870 3939-0

Contact partner Contact

Leipzig Sales Office

Knautnaundorfer Str. 207
04249 Leipzig, Germany
Tel.: +49 341 39299-0

Contact partner Contact

Lüneburg Sales Office

Pulverweg 1 A
21337 Lüneburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 4131 29895-0

Contact partner Contact

Our field service

As the leading wholesaler of tyres, wheels and vehicle parts for professional use, we are accessible on-site for our customers.



Our on-site Area Managers
