The forestry miracle – elite performers in the forest

The Alliance Forestar 344 ELIT enthralls test users and impresses the otherwise rather down-to-earth trade press. Currently, the first standard low-pressure tire for forest use is being well-received everywhere. We found out the reasons why and what it can do at the official presentation of the forest tire.

Der Forestar 344 ELIT, ein Niederdruckreifen für den Waldeinsatz vom Hersteller Alliance, glänzt mit hoher Leistung bei niedrigstem Druck.
Der Alliance Forestar 344 ELIT, der erste serienmäßige Niederdruckreifen für den Waldeinsatz; hat die Testanwender begeistert.

When you see Huse Hadzipasic, you quickly realize that the forest contractor is serious about his message and his work. The powerful man in his mid-fifties stands patiently in front of his John Deere 1110D Eco III in the Bebra Forest and repeats his statement to the astonished journalists. The new Alliance tires of the Forestar 344 ELIT model have brought him 20 percent more productivity, plus a noticeable saving in fuel. Based on previous wear and tear, the company boss also estimates the expected service life to be up to 15,000 operating hours.

None of these are snap conclusions. Hadzipasic had already been on the road for 3,000 operating hours on the new size 710/45-26.5 tires. During this period, he took windthrow and beetle wood out of the forest in wet and dry conditions and pushed the Alliance Forestry tire to its limit over impassable terrain. Part of the increase in productivity is due to the fact that Hadzipasic, like almost all of his colleagues, relies on bogie tracks in extreme circumstances. But in the past nine months he has had to mount them considerably less often. In situations where his market competitors can no longer make any progress with conventional tires, the HUSE boss has since saved effort, time and money. Hadzipasic and his team made up more ground on the slippery road, where the 344 ELIT can travel faster than comparable tires. In addition, there is less slippage and less downtime overall.

Less pressure is the secret

The big advantage of the Alliance Forestar 344 ELIT is its marked performance level even at the lowest pressure, as the name "ELIT" would indicate. This could justifiably stand for Elite, but it has the modest meaning of "Engineered Low Inflation Tire". Ordinary tires work ideally at 5 bar, the manufacturer's specification for the ELIT is half that. Huse Hadzipasic swears by even lower pressure ranges. He gives his Alliance low pressure tires a maximum of 1.3 to 1.4 bar on level ground, on slopes he keeps them at around 2 bar. The fact that the tire still performs is due to its inner composition. A sophisticated and very rigid carcass structure keeps the tire in shape, even when the pressure drops. Instead of spreading out in width, the contact area of the ELIT increases in length at low pressure. For this reason, the Alliance tire is hardly noticeable in low-pressure operation - compared to many other low-pressure brands that look as if they are flat.

French praise driving comfort

The up to 25 percent larger contact area not only facilitates progress with heavy equipment, it also takes the strain off the delicate forest soil. Hadzipasic’s colleagues are also full of praise for this. Alexander Kohler from Kohler GbR in Bopfingen has been testing the Forestar 344 ELIT since 2012. The contractor has received positive feedback from many forest owners during this time, because they have caused less damage on the logging trails and on the forest paths compared to vehicles with standard tires or tracks, Kohler emphasizes. There is also praise from abroad for the high level of driving comfort. The tire, which is highly deformable at low pressure, "swallows" smaller tree stumps and other unevenness without its forwarder jerking, lauds driver Benoît Bray, who drives a John Deere 1110 for the French company Sybebois on the ELIT tire in size 800/40-26.5 - as does Huse Hadzipasic.


Alliance Forestar 344 ELIT exclusively at Bohnenkamp

Quieter, more economical and more resource-saving for the forest and the economy, the ELIT has what it takes to become a real forestry miracle. Talk to your Bohnenkamp contact person now or visit us directly in our shop for dealers, manufacturers and workshops. The Alliance Forestar 344 ELIT low-pressure forest tire is currently available in sizes 710/40-24.5, 710/45-26.5, 750/55-26.5, 800/40-26.5 exclusively at Bohnenkamp in Germany.

Low-pressure tires also for agriculture

Alliance Agriflex A389+ VF also provides the right tires for flexible pressures in agricultural applications. Read our story on IF/VF technology in the agricultural field at
